3dpburner Image2gcode


  1. 3dpburner Image2gcode
  2. 3dpburner Image2gcode

3dpburner Image2gcode

This is a simply standalone software that converts any picture to Gcode for all kind of 3D Printers with Marlin, Repetier firmware or GRBL. It's pretty simple and has usefull features, that makes engraving / plotting on your 3D Printer easyer! It is designed for Windows, but you can also run it on Mac throw Wine. Note: this app requires Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5 It would be great. (Generated by 3dpBurner Image2Gcode v1.0);(@Mrz.15.2016 16:43:12) G92 X-40 Y-40;M03 S0 P25 L5000 B1 D0 G90 G21 G1 F850 0 G1 X0 S0 G1 Y124.85 G1 X0.11 S850 G1 X0.22 S847 G1 X0.33 S849 G1 X0.44 S852 G1 X0.66 S856 G1 X0.77 S854 G1 X0.88 S853 G1 X0.99 S852 G1 X1.1 S849 G1 X1.21 S846 G1 X1.32 S843 G1 X1.43 S842 G1 X1.54 S836 G1 X1.65 S832 G1 X1.76.

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by .

3dpburner Image2gcode

3dpburner Image2gcodeImage2gcode3dpburner
  • Hi! Anybody has tried raster engraving with TinyG?

    I’m talking about something like this.

    I’m not sure how much work is done by the CAM and how much by the controller.
    I tried 3dpBurner-Image2Gcode and it works but it has a big drawback: any time it needs to change the laser intensity (basically M3 Sx command) it stops the cnc. The results it’s an ugly joggling of the machine… instead as you see in the video above, the movement should be continue, just the PWM has to change for each pixel.

    I see I’m not alone 🙂

    But after almost three years the problem seems unsolved. I’m going to try the patyork’s fork.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by .

    The issue you noted (114) is the most I have seen on this topic here.

    Many folks are doing laser on/off laser “machining”, but I understand the differences

    My swag would be that integrating S planning int X-Y(-Z) motion would be a challenge.
    Given that 3D printing is now the rage, I wonder, without any deep knowledge, if using a 3D printing stream with the ‘material feed rate’ parameter being used to modulate the laser would not be more effective, planning wise at least.
    My guess is there is a lot more focus on 3d ‘Gcode enhancements’

    Anyway, maybe someone else will stop by here but most often items that need significant FW rework get action over at Issues.

    OK, I see you had some success. good luck

    You might update your ‘Issues post’ with comments about your successful test.

    Could you post your re-compiled tinyG.bin file to a cloud drive?

    There is a user over on Ox Forum who might need it.
    Not everyone has a good build environment.



    I’m not sure about your comment – did you build this in YOUR gitHub area?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by .

    So this binary has the S command mods as well as the SPWM-Coolant swap, correct?

    Agreed, this is your “laser mode” for S commands thread.
    I probably assumed your other thread “Alternative to PWM Spindle” was a necessary precursor to


    working for you, sort of.

    So for clarity, I’ll move back to that thread.