Al and his friends show up and the boys run off to Greasy Lake, where the narrator runs into a corpse and hides in fear. Typical writing for this author Theme for his works: Boyle traces the struggle of different groups of people. Greasy Lake has a feeling of suspense in the air, almost implying that trouble could happen at any moment. The tone of the book is suspenseful, so having the setting at Greasy Lake adds to the suspense of the story. Greasy Lake symbolizes the unsettling part of life that people do not want to see.
Theauthor uses a graphic tone unsuitable for the underage population. He utilizesan explicit and aggressive tone in describing the insults from his friends.This is intentional in order to capture the real life conversation of19-year-olds. The author took a great effort to incorporate adventure and thefears of young boys about to become adults. As the teens get involved in aconflict, the author's tone changes to reflect the horror of the emergent “bad”character and the threat it poses to the young men (Boyle 130).
WhenBoyle sets his narrative in Greasy Lake ,he offers a reflection of corruption and weak state of moral values in thesociety and among the youngsters (Kane 121). He conceives an atmosphere thatcan accommodate all the characters in the poem. This is possible through thecentering of the plot at a lake. Greasy lake plays a vital role as a characterand a setting. Boyle ’sstory is appalling to middle –aged readers as deliberately set by the author.
TheGreasy Lake , while being murky and fetid, wasone of the most preferred spot for the youngsters to spend nights and to enjoythe serenity. Due to the cleanliness and transparency of its waters, theIndians named the lake “Wakan”. In essence, the lake symbolized the behavior ofteens spoiled both literally and metaphorically by violence, sex, and alcohol(Gleason 18).
Theauthor personifies and describes the Greasy Lake and its environs indetail to expound on the narrator’s traits (Shine, 24). Beer taints hischaracter and culture, corrupting him as the lake itself. As the narrator tothe Greasy Lake during the fateful night, theauthor hints of a possibility of unfortunate events. The style is intentionalto keep the reader on track and to generate anticipatory mood. The worstmistake that the narrator did was to start a fight and thus the loss of hiskeys. The entire event opened Pandora’s Box and changed the course of thestory. Indeed, it foreshadowed the turn of events in the future that wouldthreaten his life and those of his colleagues. He almost became as a killer and a rapist. In the first place, thenarrator could not explain how he ended up in the murky water area lying nextto a dead man. It soon dawned on him that Greasy Lake takes lives. Immediately, he repulsed his dangerous lifestyle. His actions emulate that Greasy Lake is a representation of culture and society.
Symbolically,the narrator repented and is baptized in Greasy Lake ’smurky waters. It is a fulfillment of his foreshadowing regarding dropped keysas “the floodgate” yields the dangers in the following night. The baptism bywater is an imagery to signify transformation of the life of the narrator, Digby and Jeff (Boyle 131). While the lake was in a poor condition during the narrator’ssubmergence, his emergence as a cleansed and transformed person postulates thathe was indeed “dirtier” than the personified water. Drugs were offered to thenarrator and his friends after the baptismal event in the lake. They bluntlydeclined to revert to their “old ways.” It was clear they had moved on to starta new life after they turned down offers of an attractive woman. Boyle ,therefore, keeps the reader’s hope on triumph of good over evil as the storyends (Werlock 32).
Dueto the occurrence of horrific events in the fateful night, there is a highprobability that the protagonists mend theirways in the future. The subsequence of events that yielded the narrator’sepiphany at Greasy Lake can make him torefrain from participating in impulsive activities (Kathryn 5).
How the Poem Affects Me
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Ihave a 17-year-old sister that just cleared high school. Already, she hasstarted engaging in dangerous behaviors that can threaten her future. If she doesnot receive assistance immediately, chances are that she is going to retrace footstepsof Jeff and Digby in the story. What I am worried about is that my younger sister would regrether current involvements in the future. Nobody should deny a teenager a chanceto enjoy his/her youth. However, when push comes to shove, it is necessary tointervene and prevent a catastrophe. I am well-aware of the effect of peerpressure among the adolescents.
Afterreading Boyle ’s story, I became increasinglyconcerned on the dangers that my sister and her friends are exposingthemselves. As a caring sister, I intend to hold a discussion with my sister onhow she can take control of her life. If she resists, I will recommend Greasy Lake poem for her to read. The horrific scenes in Boyle ’sbook and the fate of the three teenage friends can be enough to transform hermindset.
Kane, Richard C. 'Earth,Water, and Fire: Elemental Representations of Feminist Force In Stories by John Cheever , T. Coraghessan Boyle , and Tobias Wolff .'Journal of the Short Story inEnglish. Les Cahiers de la nouvelle42(2004): 111-134.
Shine K, Neuleib J. Introductionto Literature. New Jersey :Pearson Custom Publishers; 2008:1-42.
Werlock, Abby H. P, and James P. Werlock .TheFacts on File Companion to the American Short Story. New York NY :Facts On File, Inc, 2010:12-65. Internet resource.